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What Determines Price for the Sale of Your San Diego Home?


You’d be surprised how many homeowners are confused about what determines the value of their home. In this video we will discuss the common pricing errors, how many buyers will respond to different pricing strategies, and the consequences of overpricing your property.

The price at which you choose to list your home for sale should not be determined by what you paid for the home, what your neighbors suggest, what you want, what you need, or what your friends say. Using this methodology can many times result in longer market time and inevitable price reductions to get the home sold, ending up at a value less than market.


The key to selling for the highest value the market will bear, in the least amount of time, is by pricing the home to where the market will respond at a value that makes sense to buyers. Because the best time to get offers is during the initial exposure to the market, which in most price points, is during the first 2-5 weeks of market time, overpricing your home can cause you to miss that important window of opportunity. The longer your home sits on the market the more likely Buyers will assume something is wrong with it, even though nothing may be wrong, it’s just the wrong price. With the right strategy in place your home will sell faster and for more money.

If you need help determining an effective pricing strategy to sell your home, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to sharing our expert knowledge on the San Diego market.


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