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Join Us for Our November Food Drive


One of the core values of our team that drives us, whether we’re helping people buy or sell, is having a service-minded heart. Though each person on our team has different skill sets and abilities, we all love giving back to our community.

That said, our team is partnering with the North County San Diego Food Bank to do a November food drive. We’d love to enlist your help to help us reach our goal of providing an abundance of food to the San Diego Food Bank. They provide food to local charities, religious organizations, and others in need, so we consider it our pleasure to assist them.

We’re offering three ways to participate in this food drive. The first is to simply visit our website at, where there will be more information on ways to donate. The second option involves us dropping a bag off at your house so you can fill it with non-perishable items and call us back when you’re ready for us to pick it back up. The third option is bringing your goods to an event we’re hosting on November 16th from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at our office at 12750 High Bluff Drive, San Diego 92130.

If you have any questions, feel free to call me or send me an email. Thanks so much for helping out the community, and we’ll talk to you soon.

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