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How to Buy & Sell a Home at the Same Time

How can you successfully sell your current home and buy another one at the same time?


Right now, our real estate market has very low inventory and very high demand. A lot of people want to move up, downsize, or relocate, but they’re concerned about the market.

So, how do you successfully sell your home and buy another one at the same time?

That can be a very complex decision. Our goal is always to educate our clients and figure out which scenario works best for them. The truth is, when it comes to buying and selling at the same time, there are a million different ways to slice it.

Our clients can sometimes feel like they’re paralyzed because they don’t quite understand the process or the specific market that they are interested in. A lot of people say, “What if I sell my home and there’s no inventory out there? Where am I going to go?”

Some neighborhoods have more inventory than others, so this is not always a concern.

We will sit down with you and go over your options. If you qualify to purchase a home and can afford the current mortgage on your home, we can structure the process so that you buy your next home before you put your current one on the market. This option makes things less stressful, but not everyone has the financial background to go this route.


Once we understand your goals, we will structure a plan specifically for you.


If that’s the case, we will list your home for sale and accept an offer. In the meantime, we will work aggressively to find a home for you to buy.

It all boils down to sitting down with our clients and working to understand your overall goals when it comes to transitioning from your current home into a new one. We’ll consider things from a financial perspective and a logistics perspective. We also like to bring in other allies and vendors to make your transition as seamless as possible.

Once we know your goals and what you want to achieve, then we can structure the entire process to accomplish them.

If you have any other questions about juggling two real estate transactions at once, give us a call or send us an email. We would be happy to help you!

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